For example, it's actually quite easy to configure a device, like the Ambient Orb, to change colors if code complexity increases or even if a certain number of coding standards are violated. 例如,实际上可以很容易地配置一个设备(就像AmbientOrb),在代码复杂度有所上升时,或者在违反一定数量的代码标准时,使用该设备改变颜色。
The DMA is a very complex device whose complexity is analogous to the one of a microprocessor. DMA是一个很复杂的器件,其复杂程度类似于微处理器。
The book is generally organized according to device and bus complexity, coupled with practical reasons of dependencies between chapters. 本书总体上根据设备和总线的复杂度进行组织,同时也结合了章节中互相依赖的客观情况。
With the development of CMOS technology, MOS device size shrinks and the complexity of model increases. 随着CMOS工艺的发展,MOS器件尺寸不断缩小,集成电路设计对器件模型的要求也越来越高。
LFSR is simple in structure and easy to implement, a higher security level may be achieved by just some logic gates. LFSR is widely used as the encryption device, and it is very important to evaluate the complexity of generators. LFSR结构简单易于实现,仅用一些逻辑门就能达到较高的安全,作为加密设备应用相当普遍,如何评估一个发生器的复杂度非常重要。
But a phase shift device is included in the measuring system and the system complexity is increased. 此时,测量系统中包含相移装置,增加了系统的复杂性。
These devices, using a structure of back-to-back connector in series between two RTD, can improve the device integrated level and so could be widely applied in multiple valued logics ( MVL) and other aspects relevant to reducing circuit complexity. 器件采用两个隧穿二极管背靠背串联的结构,能更大程度提高集成度,可以在多值逻辑或其他有关降低电路复杂性方面获得较为广泛的应用。
With the fast developing pace of semiconductor technology, device integration and complexity of circuit design will be drastically increased. 随着半导体技术的进一步发展,晶体管元件集成度的进一步提高,电路设计的复杂度也将大幅增长,对于电路设计自动化技术的要求也将越来越高。
Gantry crane is a widely applied material handling device, its metal structure shows diversity and complexity. When designing portal-frame structure, designers have to encounter some statically indeterminate problems of spatial structure. 门式起重机是应用广泛的物料搬运设备,其金属结构呈现出多样性与复杂性,在设计计算门架结构时,要涉及到空间结构的超静定问题。
The rapid expand of firm service region, with the shortening of service time demanded by consumer and the increase of morden manufacture device complexity, calls for new approving service measures to maintain customer satisfaction. 现代生产设备的复杂程度增加,服务地域扩大,用户对服务时间的要求越来越短,迫切需要新的服务手段和技术的支持。
Because of the highly nonlinear characteristics of power system, linear control method is difficult to ensure power system stability under large disturbances. Furthermore, OLTC and other switching device increase the complexity of the system and the difficulty of control performance. 由于电力系统的高度非线性特性,线性化控制手段难以保证电力系统在大扰动下的稳定性,而电力系统中所包含的OLTC等切换装置的存在进一步增加了系统动态的复杂性和控制的难度。
Hence, current VCO is often implemented by an external PN junction varactor. The off-chip device not only increases final system area, but also increases package complexity, power consumption and cost. 因此,现在的VCO器件通常采用片外分立的PN结变容二极管,这样不仅增加了系统的面积,而且存在封装复杂、功耗高以及成本高等缺点。
Steels rotate in place combined with the probe linescanning mode, using a magnetized device to complete the scanning of the steeltube defects, reducing the complexity of the equipment. 系统采用钢管原地旋转结合探头直线扫查的工作方式,使用一套磁化装置和一组传感器阵列,完成对钢管缺陷的扫查,减小了设备的复杂度,节约成本。
Clad dressing disposal a large amount of copper, The utilization ratio of copper is low, interface with the mechanical bond, The device of hot-dip coating is complexity, the operation is difficult to control. 机械包覆法修整处置量较大,铜带利用率较低,界面结合为机械结合。熔铜浸渍法设备复杂,操作较难控制。
The main characteristic of this plan not purely satisfy the design target, but economize the cost of device, decreasing procedure design complexity of base-band signal processor. 该方案的主要特点是在满足设计指标的同时节省了后端器件的成本,降低了基带信号处理器的程序设计复杂度。
The development of the VI technology makes the construction of multi-module integrated testing device possible, and the complexity of the objects under test makes the research of multi-function integrated testing device that can perform multi-parameter testing task necessary. 虚拟仪器技术的发展使得构建多模块的集成测试设备成为可能,而当前被测对象与被测目标的复杂性使得研究具有多参数测试能力的多功能集成测试设备成为必要。
This method can simplify device complexity, reduce cost of equipment, and propose a way of temperature control without a temperature sensor. 此方法可以简化装置的复杂程度,降低设备成本,为解决温度传感器在感应加热工业应用中的局限提供了一种途径。
The Existential Construction is a commonly grammatical device with its high frequency use in English and Chinese, which is a hotly-discussed issue because of its own popularity, particularity and complexity for a long period and has drawn much attention of linguistic scholars both at home and abroad. 存在句是英汉两种语言里使用频率较高的一个结构,具有自身的特殊性和复杂性,因而成为语言学家非常感兴趣的研究话题之一。
Phase pre-emphasis can be easily implemented without resulting in noticeable additional device or system complexity. 相位预加重实施方式简单,基本不会增加器件复杂度或者系统复杂度。
Consequently, in order to realize efficient nonlinear process, unpolarized light should convert to polarized light before entering into the OSL. Therefore, one hand, the additional conversion makes the device more complexity, on the other hand, the initial energy will lose heavily. 因此非偏振光进入光学超晶格中前需要先转化为偏振光才能实现有效的非线性过程,这样增加了器件的复杂性,同时也损耗了入射光的能量。
In order to improve the decoding device speed, the improvements of algorithms and configurations are discussed while taken decoding performance, hardware complexity and resource consumption into account. 随后,在权衡译码性能、硬件实现复杂度及资源消耗等因素的前提下,本文围绕着如何提高译码器的速度,从算法改进和结构改进两方面进行了详细的讨论。
With the device complexity more and more, the sampling clock signal has been put forward higher requirements. 随着待测设备复杂性和工作频率的提高,对采样时钟信号提出了更高的要求。